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Writer's pictureHinotori An

Thank You

In response to the pandemic crisis, especially socially oriented professions have intensified their efforts. The same goes for Hinotori Zendo that has increased the support this year in order to reach a larger number of people who need comfort, guidance or awakening from a deep sleep of ignorance. Although circumstances that prevailed this year have prevented the on-site practice, they also opened new ways of transmission and so the oportunity to serve larger audience. Namely, digitalisation had enabled hundreds of people to participate on one or another way. Geographical and linguistic barriers have been breached, and the sangha has been built the way it must be - without differentiation by color, nationality, religion, intellectual level, origin, financial status. All united through the same universal feelings that are expressed in so many different ways.

This year has been without a single day off for me. Numerous consultations were conducted, individualised workshops were created, private and group teachings were offered, articles and newsletters published, and educational videos recorded. Despite financial difficulties and uncertainty that Hinotori Zendo, like many spiritual and other organizations faced this year, I could offer to more people a free support. This was possible only thanks to these of you who booked classes, workshops, programs and who donated. But also, thanks to the support of all those who followed the website and newsletters, who shared my post on social media; who spread the word; who continued to believe in me and my vision by supporting on various ways the work of Hinotori Zendo despite their own challenges.

Particularly, because, unlike the regular business, Hinotori Zendo is not based on aggressive marketing and advertising,but rather on the long-term content, trust and individual guidance. In order to continue to follow these principles, whichare a vehicle for raising awareness, Hinotori Zendo can only function thanks to the generosity of its supporters, students and the global community. Through all this, although the global community plays the most important role and is the reason for existance of Hinotori Zendo, the focus is still on the individual, whereby the community is perceived as a sandy beach that reflects light only when every grain of sand is clean and well polished. And that is exactly the task that Hinotori Zendos faces - cleaning and polishing the grains of sand that make up the human mind, so that each of you can shine in your own beauty. Yet, today's world looks more like an uneven and dirty beach, full of plastic, glass bottles and cans, making every step on it painful. A lot more has to be cleared and cleaned before polishing can begin. This long-term work is only manageable with your further support.

On this occasion, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of you who have supported my mission so far. To all of you who have trusted me for years. To all of you who follow me on social media or reached me on many other ways. You are a community that I am honored to serve, and be a part of.

Thank you!

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